Welcome to the Safer Gambling sector of GGPoker.

This page serves as your one-stop resource for everything related to safer gambling and affordability.

What Is Safer Gambling?

Safer Gambling involves ensuring that you have fun while maintaining a sense of control over your gaming experience. If gambling begins to generate feelings of anxiety, financial strain, or disrupts your daily routine, it could evolve into a problem.

GGPoker is proud to provide our players with a safe gambling environment. We want our players to enjoy the experience of the world's biggest poker room while preventing any gambling-related harm.

What can gambling related harm look like?

Everyone can experience gambling-related harm, you don't need to have a severe gambling addiction to be harmed by gambling.

Gambling-related harm can be as simple as feeling tilted or as severe as an addiction. It's crucial to know the signs of gambling harm so you can identify when you're no longer having fun.

These include:

Being withdrawn
Being withdrawn

Not wanting to join in or losing interest in your usual activities or hobbies like going out with friends or spending time with family just so you can gamble.

Changing mood
Changing mood

Feeling restless or irritable when you try to cut down on gambling.

Chasing losses
Chasing losses

After losing at gambling, having the urge to return as soon as possible to win back losses.

If you are unsure if gambling has become an issue for you, GamCare has created a self-assessment tool to allow you to see if gambling has had an impact on your life: Self Assessment Tool

Fears of stigma or misunderstanding can prevent people from reaching out and asking for help, but our GGCares Team is always available to provide information and guidance on gambling safely and responsibly.

What Is GGCares?

The GGCares team at GGPoker is a dedicated team who prioritise your wellbeing.

We’re here to make sure that our players continue to have fun on our site and to guide you through anything that may be preventing that. Whether you want a chat about your player protection tool options or feel that you need to take a break. We are on hand to offer advice and guidance on the next steps as well as any other Safer Gambling queries.

If you need any of the above, please reach out to us at .

What are some key things to remember while gambling?

Don’t let tilt ruin your day, walk away.

Don’t ignore your limits, set them early.

Don’t play when emotions are high, know when not to play.

Take regular breaks, it’s not going anywhere.

Don’t chase losses, you won’t catch them.

Player Protection Tools

We offer a number of player protection tools that can be applie

Allows you to take a break from playing for a set period of time. You can opt for a timeout period of any of the

  • 24 hour
  • 7 day
  • 30 day
  • 42 day

If you feel taking a break may not be enough, in this case, we would recommend to self exclude.
You can opt for a self-exclusion period of any of the following durations:

  • 180 days
  • 1 year
  • 5 years
  • Permanently

Note: Permanent self-exclusions cannot be reversed under any circumstances.

You can request a timeout or self-exclusion via the Safer Gambling tab or contact us at any time, day or night at , and a member of our GGCares team will assist you through the process.

Please note that your time-out / self-exclusion request will be immediately executed via the GGPoker app/website, but it may take up to 24 hours to fulfill your self-exclusion requests via email.

Please note that if you exclude yourself from GGPoker, you are not permitted to create any additional accounts on GGPoker. Creating additional GGPoker accounts or any actions/attempts to circumvent your exclusion will result in the closure of the account(s) and possible forfeiture of any associated balance(s).

You can set a Reality Check on your account to remind you how long you have been playing on GGPoker. Managing and controlling the amount of time you spend playing ensures you are balancing poker with other activities.

Once applied, the reality check will appear once per the interval you have selected until your gaming session ends, offering you the ability to exit the session.

As part of our policy, we give you the tools to control the amount of money you use to gamble on our site. You can set your own deposit limit and other gameplay limits within the Safer Gambling section of the GGPoker app or website.

The following limit settings are available to you:

  • Deposit Limits
  • Total Bet Amount Limits
  • Loss Limits
  • Single Bet Amount Limits
  • Re-Login Time Limits
  • Monthly Login Frequency
  • Game Limit

Changing these limits can be done at any time via the Safer Gambling section of the app or website.

You can also contact our dedicated team at and a representative will help you set your limits. Support is available by email seven days a week.

Organisations that can help and Blocking Sites

GamCare is the leading provider of confidential information, advice and support, free of charge to anyone affected by gambling harms. You can speak with their advisers one-to-one over the phone at 0845 6000 133 or on live chat 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Visit their website:
They help people reclaim and rebuild their lives free from gambling addiction. Gordon Moody is the UK’s leading charity dedicated to providing residential treatment and support for gambling addiction, through recovery in a safe, supported environment.

Visit their website:
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others do the same.

Visit their website:
If you are looking to take a break from gambling or use it as a preventative measure for possible future gambling, GamBan can be considered as an option. Gamban is the smartest and most effective software for blocking gambling sites and applications on your devices. It is available on Windows, MacOS, iOS & Android, installation is quick and simple.

Visit their website:
GAMSTOP helps you control your online gambling. Once registered you will be prevented from using gambling websites and apps run by companies licensed in Great Britain, for a period of your choosing.

Visit their website:

Affected Others

For each individual struggling with a gambling issue, it's estimated that an additional five to ten people are adversely impacted. Family members and friends can often bear the brunt of the gambling addiction leading to emotional stress and even financial issues.

If you have a friend or family member that has a gambling problem, you can take time to help and support them and let them know that there are ways to combat a gambling addiction.

Both GamCare and Gordon Moody offer group meetings for Affected Others. It is a supportive space where you speak freely and receive guidance on how to look after your own well being.
Being an affected other can feel isolating at times but groups like these are designed to allow you to talk in a safe space.

Underage Gambling


It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to open an account or to gamble on GGPoker. At GGPoker we take our responsibility of protecting minors seriously and carry out age verification checks to ensure our players are over the age of 18. We do understand minors use phones, tablets, and laptops so we encourage parents to implement preventive measures to deter underage gambling.

Tips for protecting minors: Always log out of your gambling account/s and keep passwords and usernames somewhere safe and out of reach of minors. Educate your children about the legality and the potential damage of underage gambling. Install blocking software that allows you to block and control access to gambling sites on PC and mobile devices.

If your minor has their own device to access the internet or you share a device with someone who is under the legal gambling age, please consider installing one of the following:

They provide the most effective content filtering to keep your family’s website browsing safe in real-time. They offer Parental Controls, Website Blocking, App Blocking, and much more.

Link to their website:
A free tool to help parents to control the sites that their children can access online. This tool allows parents to enter specific URLs that they do not want their children to access.

Link to their website:
A self-sufficient multi-platform software designed to completely restrict access to the online gambling industry to prevent underage access and problem gamblers.

Link to their website:


Our aim is to make the discussion about affordability clear and

Gambling is a regulated industry, which means that we are required to be licensed and therefore are obligated to meet regulatory requirements. Affordability checks are put into place based on guidance from our regulators.

While we do need to satisfy regulatory requirements, our number one priority is our players' safety on site. We want you to have a healthy environment where you can enjoy playing poker at a level that is sustainable to you.

We need to see that you can afford to play safely and sustainably and understand how you fund your account. When providing your statements, please make sure they are for the account where your income or poker winnings are paid into.

What kind of documents do I need to provide for an affordability check? If you are employed we require your last 3 months of bank statements in PDF format displaying your income with running and ending balances visible. Any additional documentation such as payslips would help with this process.

Your affordability check can be rejected if the documents provided do not show that you can play safely and sustainably on site. We can only make decisions based on the statements provided.

Our number one priority is protecting our players from gambling-related harm. The more information you can provide about your affordability, the more accurate of an assessment we can make.

If you have any further questions about affordability or need help through these checks please feel to contact at and a member of the GGCares Team would be happy to help